Bakshaish is a village in northwest Persia near Heriz which produced rugs and large carpets until the end of last century. The products of Bakshaish are generally finer in construction than Heriz and floppier to handle. The most striking feature of such carpets is a design full of vitality and character unlike the many large carpets made in city workshops. The focus here is on a monumental split palmette motif in the border as part of the meandering ‘herati’ pattern. The rare light blue abrashed field of the rug is strewn with stylised tulips. Such attributes of design and colour make this spectacular carpet very desirable. Together with Ziegler, Agra & Serapi, Bakshaish carpets are considered the absolute ‘bee’s knees’ of old roomsize carpets.
Size: 530 x 375 cm
Provenance: Boomerang, Elizabeth Bay.
Price: $88,000.00
125 Harris Street
Pyrmont NSW 2009
Wednesday to Friday 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 1 pm
T: 0455 968 266
M: 0407 244 104