Roger Elliott, on behalf of Zena Thomas: “Wedgwood, Jane Austen and White Ware.” Writer Jane Austen wrote to her sister Cassandra that she visited Wedgwood’s London Showroom where her brother chose a dinner set in White Ware for his household. With notes and illustrations provided by Zena Thomas, Roger told this remarkable tale of the association of the Austens’ with Wedgwood. Zena is a committee member of the Wedgwood Society of Australia, and generously assisted Roger with material to deliver this talk.
The Ceramic Collectors Society was founded on 13 September 1949, by a small group of antique dealers and ceramic collectors in Sydney. Its aim is to promote appreciation and knowledge of ceramic art and to form a meeting ground for all those interested in ceramics.
Honorary Secretary and Membership Secretary: Adrienne Wilson:
02 9332 3882