Paul Rosenberg
Moorabool Antique Gallery

Lights are taken for granted with a flick of a modern switch. Backtracking, a few millennia ago if you needed light after the sun set, you had to plan and organize it yourself.

Only now are we recognising the value of renewable energy – something ancient cultures had already worked out. The most desirable light fuel was whale oil that burned true and almost odourless, yet this was a…


If you’re new to purchasing antiques & art or if it’s been a while since you’ve dabbled in the area, getting reacquainted with the way the market works can be daunting.

In a post pandemic world we are comfortable with searching and buying online for everything we can think of but when it comes to Antiques it doesn’t quite work the same. Just like a piece can be rare and eccentric so can the way you buy it! So where do you start? Let’s look at an example of searching for a table. You’ve…

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